Autumn wet Felting classes

Learn how to make a poppy
Date Published: August 13, 2022
Categories: Blog | Learn | News & Events

New to Dippy Doodahs are wet felting workshops.  Attending these will introduce you to lots of new skills and using art batts and yard, as well as silks, viscose and bamboo fibresA £10.00 deposit is needed to secure a place and if you don’t show on the day this is non refundable. Please bring a towel and plastic bag 

20th September 09.30 -12.00 Sewing-needle case  £20.00 

Wet felting technique including roving top and pre felt. If you have a specific background  colour choice, please ask if the colour is available. Otherwise, a selection of colours will be provided.

11th October 10.00 -12.00 Poppy Brooch £18.00

This class teaches you haw to lay out merino wool to form petals and also form the centre of the flower.  There are colour choices to reflect who and what we would like to commemorate on Remembrance Day.

Red– commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in World War One and conflicts that followed.                          Purple often worn to remember animals that have been victims of war.                                                                  Black remembering African, black, and Caribbean communities’ contribution                                                          White remembers people who died in conflict with a focus on an end to war                                                           Each student will have to pre-book their colour choice at least 10 days   before so that materials are prepared for the session.

8th November  10.00 -12.00 Mini Christmas stocking £18.00

We will work with a resist to form the shape of this seamless stocking demonstrating to you how the wool’ Shrinks’ by approximately 30% for a  3- 4 inches stocking  suitable to add a small gift/ sweet. Colours will be  traditional red, green, and white.

6th December 09.30 – 12.00  Christmas Garland  Session 1

Using wet felting we make small approximately 1-inch pompoms used as spacers on the garland – you should aim to make at least 10 during this session.  Session 2 will be a needle felt session


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Hi, I’m Valerie

I live in a rural market town in East Sussex, close to both the South Downs and the coast. I am a felt artist and I love making and teaching.  Find out more on my About Me page

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